Working Paper Series Sustainability transitions and technological catch-up: Guidance of search as a strategic mechanism for leapfrogging By Xiao-Shan Yap & Bernhard Truffer The challenge of preparing for more sustainable futures increasingly finds resonance outside OECD countries. One salient development is that manufacturing bases for clean-tech industries are shifting to emerging economies. So far, the question how latecomers may achieve leapfrogging in sustainable technologies has not yet been clearly spelled out in the two most important literature streams in the field. 2018-07 Demand-driven policy interventions to foster industrial development: Can they be inclusive and sustainable? By Fernando Santiago & Miriam Weiss This paper explores recent demand-driven policy initiatives implemented to foster industrial development in developing countries. The evidence builds on various case studies organized around an analytical framework that draws from the literature on demand-driven innovation policy, sustainable consumption policies and industrial policy. 2018-06 SDG-6 in India: Challenges and innovation for sustainable sanitation By Manjari Manisha Inadequate sanitation remains a big challenge in India and has a multidimensional negative impact on children’s health, education for girls, the environment, social dignity and national as well as individual economic growth. Sustainability is one of the key features to win universal access of sanitation that has social, technical, financial and institutional challenges at every step of the way. 2018-05 Greek Public Debt: The Quest for a “Happy-end” to an Unsustainable Story By Nicos Christodoulakis & Christos Triantopoulos The paper discusses the origins and recent developments of Greek public debt and shows that even if high primary surpluses of 3.50% of GDP consistently materialize it is unlikely to be sustainable. The anemic growth envisaged for the medium and longer run is not sufficient to increase country’s GDP and, thus, drive either the debt to GDP ratio to less threatening levels or the Gross Financial Needs below 20% of GDP. 2018-04 Do Technological Capabilities foster small young firm growth? The Brazilian Case By Maria Molina-Domene & Franco Malerba Project design capabilities are a major factor in the growth for small young Brazilian firms if combined with an appropriate level of external learning. Studying the role of technological capabilities on small young firm growth, the authors distinguish between three types of technological capabilities, projects, execution and external learning, and look at the complementarities among them. 2018-03 Sustainable Development in the Anthropocene By Björn Johnson & Gert Villumsen The notion of sustainable development changes its meaning when placed in the context of a transition from the Holocene geological epoch to the Anthropocene. The authors argue that the Anthropocene implies that a return to the relatively stable Earth System characteristics of the Holocene is extremely unlikely. 2018-02 Combining innovation systems and global value chains for development: Towards a research agenda By Roman Jurowetzki, Rasmus Lema & Bengt-Åke Lundvall This paper contributes to ongoing work which seeks to bring together the national innovation systems and global value chain literature for the study of economic development. We depart from the view that such a new combination will be helpful both in enhancing the understanding of socioeconomic processes in developing countries and in building a more useful knowledge base for action. 2018-01